Breast Cancer Rehabilitation | One-on-One | The Physical Therapy Effect

Focused, one-on-one

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation

Cancer-related treatments can lead to weakness, fatigue, and pain; resulting in reduced participation in the things you love, and ultimately reducing quality of life. Here at the Physical Therapy Effect we will look at all areas of impact on your current presentation, create a personalized plan of care specific to you, and progress you safely towards your goals.

Meet your PT

Dr. Hannah Willms, Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

Dr. Willms enjoys treating a variety of orthopedic conditions and has a strong passion for women’s health and pre/postnatal fitness/rehab. Hannah has completed postgraduate pelvic floor training through Herman-Wallace, and received her certification in pre/postnatal fitness coaching through Girls Gone Strong. She utilizes a variety of manual therapy techniques and is trained in the Graston Technique. She enjoys athletes of all ages and has experience progressing them in their return to sport/activity.

Speak with Dr. Willms

Patients We Treat:

  • Post Mastectomy, Lumpectomy
  • Current/Past Chemotherapy and/or Radiation Therapy
  • DIEP (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforators) Procedures
  • TRAM (Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flaps) Procedures
  • Breast Reconstruction/Expanders
  • Cancer Related Fatigue

Impairments We Treat:

  • Muscle Weakness/Loss of Endurance
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Shoulder, neck, trunk pain
  • Upper Extremity/Breast CA: Lymphatic Compromise/ axillary webbing syndrome

Don't wait weeks

No Wait Times, We Can Schedule You Sooner

Your pain isn't waiting, so you shouldn't have to either.

We have a team of dedicated, experienced Physical Therapists standing by to help. Reach out to our team and get an appointment scheduled as quickly as you can fit it in your schedule.

Book your appointment

Work with an expert

A Focused, One-on-One Experience

Here at the Physical Therapy Effect you can expect 1:1 treatment with a Doctor of Physical Therapy every session with breast cancer specific training from the Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute. Sessions can involve both hands on manual therapy and specific exercises to improve range of motion, reduce pain, manage lymphedema, and improve strength/endurance.

Moving forward

Recovering from Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can result in many changes throughout your body, resulting in possible injury with activities/exercise if not addressed carefully. We will review your treatments/medications and implement a plan to safely progress activity tolerance and improve impairments you may be experiencing.

Possible Chemotherapy-Related Impairments:

  • Altered sensation in hands/feet (peripheral neuropathy)
  • Joint pain/joint stiffness
  • Balance and altered ambulation
  • Cancer Related Fatigue
  • Risk of Fracture (osteoporosis/osteopenia)
Woman undergoing chemotherapy

Take The First Step

Ready to become painfree?

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Step one:

Call or message us to
book your appointment


Step two:

We’ll work with you to
get you painfree again

Pain Free Icon

Step three:

Regain your freedom &
pain free lifestyle

Mark Shulman

Dr. Mark Shulman

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), FAAOMPT, COMT, CSCS


Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists.

Mark Shulman

Dr. Allison McKay

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), PRPC


Veterans Icon

Contact Information

(619) 544-1055

Fax: (619) 544-1056

The Physical Therapy Effect

1601 Kettner Blvd Suite 11
San Diego, CA 92101

The Physical Therapy Effect

1 Creekside Dr. Unit 100
San Marcos, CA 92078