Treatment for Low Back Pain | Physical Therapy | PT Effect

Focused, One-on-One

Low Back PainPhysical Therapy

No Medication. No Painful Injections.

Get back to doing the things you love without pain and discomfort in your back. Discover the root cause of your pain and eliminate it at the source with the help of our expert Doctors of Physical Therapy.

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Our Treatment Method

How We Treat Low Back Pain

Every visit at our clinic will be entirely one-on-one with one of our certified Doctors of Physical Therapy. You always get the expert treatment and care throughout the entire session. After your evaluation, we determine the actual cause of your low back pain and establish a treatment plan to reduce or completely remove the pain. This is typically done through strengthening of vital, misunderstood muscles and rounding out your body’s functions. We never use medication or painful shots to treat your pain.

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The Science Behind Our Treatment

The lumbar spine is a complex system that is made of 5 large body Vertebrae. Low back discs are larger than anywhere else in the body because they are designed to absorb compression. There is often dysfunction in the lumbar spine that can be related to either the disc, facet joints, central/lateral foramen (area where nerves run) or the muscular/ligamentous system. Our therapists will used detailed biomechanical assessment to determine the source or root cause of your pain to return you to your activities faster.

Research has demonstrated that getting care for low back pain within 16 days leads to improved outcomes and decreased cost to the patient.

Lower Lumbar Extension for Low Back Pain

Struggling with lower back pain? It could be a result of weakened multifidus muscles in your lumbar spine. A simple yet effective exercise we advocate for is the Lower Lumbar Extension, affectionately known as the “Baby Twerk” here at The Physical Therapy Effect. Join Mark, one of our physical therapists, as he demonstrates how to perform this exercise in our informative video.

Work with an expert doctor

Understanding the Causes of Back Pain

If you’re experiencing back pain, this video aims to shed light on the potential reasons behind it and provide helpful suggestions. However, for the most effective resolution of back pain, it’s recommended to schedule a consultation with your physical therapist for personalized guidance and treatment.

How Hip Extension Is Related to the Lower Back

Proper hip extension is crucial for maintaining lower back health, as limited hip mobility can lead to discomfort. Understanding body mechanics during activities like walking is essential, as excessive forces from limited hip extension can strain the lower back over time. Incorporating hip extension exercises, like the kneeling hip extension stretch, into your routine can help alleviate lower back pain and prevent issues.

Effective Techniques To Relieve Low Back Pain

Are you struggling with low back pain? Mckenzie’s extension and side bend exercises may help recenter your discs and alleviate symptoms.

Self-Traction Techniques for Treating Disc Herniation

These two simple self-traction techniques to alleviate lower back pain caused by disc herniation or irritation in the facet joints. The first technique involves lying on your back and using your hands to gently pull your hips away from your trunk, holding the stretch for 10 seconds and repeating it 10 times. The second technique requires using a sturdy counter to support your body weight while letting your hips drop toward the floor, again holding the stretch for 10 seconds and repeating it 10 times. Both methods should provide a gentle, relieving stretch. If any discomfort arises, stop immediately. For further guidance, contact their clinic via phone, email, or in person.

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Manual Therapy

How We Achieve A Better Diagnosis with Less Discomfort

What is manual therapy? Manual therapy is a method physical therapy that involves the therapist feeling exactly how your body reacts to specific movement and exercises. A lot of pain and discomfort comes from lack of mobility or a small range of motion. Through simple movements and exercises, we're able to get your body used to these motions again, reducing or completely removing your pain.

Manual therapy includes a detailed biomechanical assessment. This means that your therapist will watch and feel how you move in order to make the most accurate diagnosis possible. This leads to faster recovery times and improved outcomes.

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Benefits of Manual Therapy

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More accurate diagnoses and understanding of pain

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Less discomfort and pain during treatment

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Therapist can feel where there is tension and mobility issues

Don't wait weeks

No Wait Times, We Can Schedule You Sooner

Your pain isn't waiting, so you shouldn't have to either.

We have a team of dedicated, experienced Physical Therapists standing by to help. Reach out to our team and get an appointment scheduled as quickly as you can fit it in your schedule.

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The Best Of The Best

Meet the Team

Learn more about the expert physical therapists and team members that you'll work with at our clinic. Every physical therapy session will be one-on-one with a Licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy.

Mark Shulman

Dr. Mark Shulman

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT), COMT, CSCS


Allison McKay

Dr. Allison McKay

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Pelvic Rehab Practitioner Certification (PRPC)

Dr. Jana Tokunaga

Dr. Jana Tokunaga

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

Rachel Berger

Dr. Sarah Mendenhall

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

Rachel Berger

Rachel Berger

Office Manager

Modern equipment

State-of-the-Art Office

We’ve been serving patient for over 6 years. Our offices feature top-of-the-line equipment to get you the results you expect.

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Mark Shulman

Dr. Mark Shulman

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), FAAOMPT, COMT, CSCS


Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists.

Mark Shulman

Dr. Allison McKay

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), PRPC


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Contact Information

(619) 544-1055

Fax: (619) 544-1056

The Physical Therapy Effect

1601 Kettner Blvd Suite 11
San Diego, CA 92101

The Physical Therapy Effect

1 Creekside Dr. Unit 100
San Marcos, CA 92078